Lead Sheets
116 available songs
By Name 75 items
- SDA Hymnal #468: A Child of the King
- SDA Hymnal #2: All Creatures of Our God and King
- SDA Hymnal #108: Amazing Grace ✒️ Words: John Newton, 1779; Music: NEW BRITAIN
- SDA Hymnal #198: And Can It Be? ✒️ Lyrics: Charles Wesley; Music: Thomas Campbell
- SDA Hymnal #671: As We Come to You in Prayer (Now, Dear Lord, as We Pray) ✒️ Words and music by Ralph Carmichael
- SDA Hymnal #488: At First I Prayed for Light
- SDA Hymnal #462: Blessed Assurance
- SDA Hymnal #10: Come, Christians, Join to Sing
- SDA Hymnal #334: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- SDA Hymnal #532: Day By Day
- SDA Hymnal #306: Draw Me Nearer
- SDA Hymnal #240: Fairest Lord Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #608: Faith Is the Victory
- SDA Hymnal #304: Faith of Our Fathers
- SDA Hymnal #565: For the Beauty of the Earth ✒️ Lyrics: Folliott S. Pierpoint; Music: Conrad Kocher
- SDA Hymnal #414: Fruitful Trees, the Spirit's Sowing
- SDA Hymnal #100: Great Is Thy Faithfulness ✒️ Words by Thomas O. Chisholm; music by William M. Runyan
- SDA Hymnal #202: Hail Him the King of Glory
- SDA Hymnal #655: Happy the Home
- SDA Hymnal #520: He Hideth My Soul (A Wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord)
- SDA Hymnal #251: He Lives ✒️ Lyrics: Alfred H. Ackley; Music: Alfred H. Ackley
- SDA Hymnal #677: Heavenly Father, to Thee We Pray ( PDF, Source File, Lyrics) ✒️ John Reed
- SDA Hymnal #625: Higher Ground ✒️ Lyrics: Johnson Oatman, Jr. Tune: Charles H. Gabriel
- SDA Hymnal #73: Holy, Holy, Holy
- SDA Hymnal #425: Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
- SDA Hymnal #509: How Firm a Foundation ✒️ Anonymous; Chords based on an arrangement by Melvin West
- SDA Hymnal #343: I Will Sing of My Redeemer
- SDA Hymnal #310: I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #327: I'd Rather Have Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #626: In a Little While We're Going Home
- SDA Hymnal #340: Jesus Saves
- SDA Hymnal #469: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- SDA Hymnal #560: Let All Things Now Living
- SDA Hymnal #213: Lift Up the Trumpet (Jesus Is Coming Again) ✒️ Lyrics: Jessie E. Strout. Tune: George E. Lee
- SDA Hymnal #316: Live Out Thy Life Within Me
- SDA Hymnal #652: Love at Home
- SDA Hymnal #109: Marvelous Grace
- SDA Hymnal #673: May God Be With You ( PDF, Audio, Source File, Lyrics) ✒️ Lyrics: Anonymous; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #245: More About Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #15: My Maker and My King ✒️ Lyrics: Anne Steele; Music: Unknown
- SDA Hymnal #301: Nearer, Still Nearer
- SDA Hymnal #449: Never Part Again
- SDA Hymnal #559: Now Thank We All Our God ✒️ Lyrics: Martin Rinkert (Tr. Catherine Winkworth); Music: Johann Crüger
- SDA Hymnal #76: O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
- SDA Hymnal #668: O Thou Who Hearest
- SDA Hymnal #365: O Zion, Haste (Publish Glad Tidings)
- SDA Hymnal #248: O, How I Love Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #326: Open My Eyes That I May See
- SDA Hymnal #294: Power in the Blood
- SDA Hymnal #249: Praise Him! Praise Him!
- SDA Hymnal #1: Praise to the Lord
- SDA Hymnal #337 and 338: Redeemed! (Both Tunes)
- SDA Hymnal #27: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!
- SDA Hymnal #432: Shall We Gather at the River? ✒️ Words and music by Lobert Lowry, 1864
- SDA Hymnal #33: Sing a New Song to the Lord ✒️ Lyrics: Thomas Dudley-Smith; Music: David G. Wilson
- SDA Hymnal #287: Softly and Tenderly
- SDA Hymnal #266: Spirit of God
- SDA Hymnal #518: Standing on the Promises
- SDA Hymnal #478: Sweet Hour of Prayer
- SDA Hymnal #262: Sweet, Sweet Spirit
- SDA Hymnal #500: Take Time to Be Holy
- SDA Hymnal #515: The Lord Is My Light
- SDA Hymnal #289: The Savior Is Waiting
- SDA Hymnal #336: There Is a Fountain ✒️ Words: William Cowper, 1770; Music: Early American Melody
- SDA Hymnal #579: ’Tis Love That Makes Us Happy
- SDA Hymnal #341: To God Be the Glory
- SDA Hymnal #290: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #632: Until Then
- SDA Hymnal #8: We Gather Together
- SDA Hymnal #214: We Have This Hope ✒️ Lyrics: Wayne Hooper; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #220: When He Comes ✒️ Lyrics: Timothy Dudley-Smith; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #218: When He Cometh
- SDA Hymnal #155 (words only): When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Tune: “The Water Is Wide”) ✒️ Lyrics: Isaac Watts. Tune: "The Water Is Wide"
- SDA Hymnal #633: When We All Get to Heaven ✒️ Lyrics: Eliza E. Hewitt. Tune: Emily D. Wilson
- SDA Hymnal #91: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
By Number 75 items
- SDA Hymnal #1: Praise to the Lord
- SDA Hymnal #2: All Creatures of Our God and King
- SDA Hymnal #8: We Gather Together
- SDA Hymnal #10: Come, Christians, Join to Sing
- SDA Hymnal #15: My Maker and My King ✒️ Lyrics: Anne Steele; Music: Unknown
- SDA Hymnal #27: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!
- SDA Hymnal #33: Sing a New Song to the Lord ✒️ Lyrics: Thomas Dudley-Smith; Music: David G. Wilson
- SDA Hymnal #73: Holy, Holy, Holy
- SDA Hymnal #76: O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
- SDA Hymnal #91: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
- SDA Hymnal #100: Great Is Thy Faithfulness ✒️ Words by Thomas O. Chisholm; music by William M. Runyan
- SDA Hymnal #108: Amazing Grace ✒️ Words: John Newton, 1779; Music: NEW BRITAIN
- SDA Hymnal #109: Marvelous Grace
- SDA Hymnal #155 (words only): When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Tune: “The Water Is Wide”) ✒️ Lyrics: Isaac Watts. Tune: "The Water Is Wide"
- SDA Hymnal #198: And Can It Be? ✒️ Lyrics: Charles Wesley; Music: Thomas Campbell
- SDA Hymnal #202: Hail Him the King of Glory
- SDA Hymnal #213: Lift Up the Trumpet (Jesus Is Coming Again) ✒️ Lyrics: Jessie E. Strout. Tune: George E. Lee
- SDA Hymnal #214: We Have This Hope ✒️ Lyrics: Wayne Hooper; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #218: When He Cometh
- SDA Hymnal #220: When He Comes ✒️ Lyrics: Timothy Dudley-Smith; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #240: Fairest Lord Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #245: More About Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #248: O, How I Love Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #249: Praise Him! Praise Him!
- SDA Hymnal #251: He Lives ✒️ Lyrics: Alfred H. Ackley; Music: Alfred H. Ackley
- SDA Hymnal #262: Sweet, Sweet Spirit
- SDA Hymnal #266: Spirit of God
- SDA Hymnal #287: Softly and Tenderly
- SDA Hymnal #289: The Savior Is Waiting
- SDA Hymnal #290: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #294: Power in the Blood
- SDA Hymnal #301: Nearer, Still Nearer
- SDA Hymnal #304: Faith of Our Fathers
- SDA Hymnal #306: Draw Me Nearer
- SDA Hymnal #310: I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #316: Live Out Thy Life Within Me
- SDA Hymnal #326: Open My Eyes That I May See
- SDA Hymnal #327: I'd Rather Have Jesus
- SDA Hymnal #334: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- SDA Hymnal #336: There Is a Fountain ✒️ Words: William Cowper, 1770; Music: Early American Melody
- SDA Hymnal #337 and 338: Redeemed! (Both Tunes)
- SDA Hymnal #340: Jesus Saves
- SDA Hymnal #341: To God Be the Glory
- SDA Hymnal #343: I Will Sing of My Redeemer
- SDA Hymnal #365: O Zion, Haste (Publish Glad Tidings)
- SDA Hymnal #414: Fruitful Trees, the Spirit's Sowing
- SDA Hymnal #425: Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
- SDA Hymnal #432: Shall We Gather at the River? ✒️ Words and music by Lobert Lowry, 1864
- SDA Hymnal #449: Never Part Again
- SDA Hymnal #462: Blessed Assurance
- SDA Hymnal #468: A Child of the King
- SDA Hymnal #469: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- SDA Hymnal #478: Sweet Hour of Prayer
- SDA Hymnal #488: At First I Prayed for Light
- SDA Hymnal #500: Take Time to Be Holy
- SDA Hymnal #509: How Firm a Foundation ✒️ Anonymous; Chords based on an arrangement by Melvin West
- SDA Hymnal #515: The Lord Is My Light
- SDA Hymnal #518: Standing on the Promises
- SDA Hymnal #520: He Hideth My Soul (A Wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord)
- SDA Hymnal #532: Day By Day
- SDA Hymnal #559: Now Thank We All Our God ✒️ Lyrics: Martin Rinkert (Tr. Catherine Winkworth); Music: Johann Crüger
- SDA Hymnal #560: Let All Things Now Living
- SDA Hymnal #565: For the Beauty of the Earth ✒️ Lyrics: Folliott S. Pierpoint; Music: Conrad Kocher
- SDA Hymnal #579: ’Tis Love That Makes Us Happy
- SDA Hymnal #608: Faith Is the Victory
- SDA Hymnal #625: Higher Ground ✒️ Lyrics: Johnson Oatman, Jr. Tune: Charles H. Gabriel
- SDA Hymnal #626: In a Little While We're Going Home
- SDA Hymnal #632: Until Then
- SDA Hymnal #633: When We All Get to Heaven ✒️ Lyrics: Eliza E. Hewitt. Tune: Emily D. Wilson
- SDA Hymnal #652: Love at Home
- SDA Hymnal #655: Happy the Home
- SDA Hymnal #668: O Thou Who Hearest
- SDA Hymnal #671: As We Come to You in Prayer (Now, Dear Lord, as We Pray) ✒️ Words and music by Ralph Carmichael
- SDA Hymnal #673: May God Be With You ( PDF, Audio, Source File, Lyrics) ✒️ Lyrics: Anonymous; Music: Wayne Hooper
- SDA Hymnal #677: Heavenly Father, to Thee We Pray ( PDF, Source File, Lyrics) ✒️ John Reed
Other Songs 27 items
- A Quiet Place / Near to the Heart of God ✒️ As Performed by Alessandra Sorace
- Above All ✒️ Words and music by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Beloche. © 1999 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music | LenSongs Publishing
- Ancient Words ✒️ By Lynn DeShazo and performed by Michael W. Smith. © 2001 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
- Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
- Cares Chorus ✒️ Words and music by Kelly Willard. © 1978 and this arr. © 1983 Maranatha! Music Chords from He Is Our Song (number 141)
- Children's Song Medley (My God Is so Great; He's Got the Whole World In His Hands; Alive, Alive; I've Got the Joy; and Everybody Ought to Know)
- Feel the Nails ✒️ Words by Ray Boltz and music by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan.
- Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart ✒️ Words and Music: Henry Smith
- Good, Good Father ✒️ Chris Tomlin
- He Looked Beyond My Faults (Amazing Grace) ✒️ Lyrics: Stephen Akin
- He's Alive ✒️ Words and music by Don Francisco.
- Heart of Worship ✒️ Matt Redman
- How Great Is Our God ✒️ Chris Tomlin
- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus ✒️ Lyrics: Either Simon K. Marak or Sadhu Sundar Singh, depending on the source Tune: ASSAM, Hindustani melody
- In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found) ✒️ Stuart Townend, Keith Getty
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning ( PDF, Audio, Source File, Lyrics) ✒️ Philip P. Bliss
- Let the Rest of the World Go By ✒️ Lyrics: J. Keirn Brennan; Music: Ernest R. Ball
- Majesty ✒️ Words and music by Jack Hayford. © 1980 Rocksmith Music, c/o Trust Music Chords from He Is Our Song (number 67)
- People Need the Lord ✒️ Words and music by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh. © 1983 Shepherd's Fold Music
- Refiner's Fire ✒️ Words and music by Brian Doerksen. © 1990 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
- Revelation Song ✒️ By Kari Jobe
- Side By Side
- Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
- Still ✒️ Words & Music by Reuben Morgan. © 2002 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
- Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Steve's Version) ✒️ Lyrics: Steve Severance
- Victory in Jesus
- Wanderings (Psalm 107) ✒️ Words and music by Scott Severance.
Christmas Songs 14 items
- Hallelujah (Christmas Rewrite) ✒️ Lyrics by Heather Severance; melody by Leonard Cohen
- SDA Hymnal #122: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
- SDA Hymnal #130: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
- SDA Hymnal #125: Joy to the World
- SDA Hymnal #132: O Come, All Ye Faithful ✒️ Lyrics: Anonymous (Tr. Frederick Oakeley and others); Music: John F. Wade's Cantus Diversi
- SDA Hymnal #115: O Come, O Come, Immanuel
- O Holy Night ✒️ Words by Placide Cappeau, translated by John Sullivan Dwight (1847). Music by Adolphe Charles Adam.
- SDA Hymnal #135: O Little Town of Bethlehem
- SDA Hymnal #144: O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
- Silent Night
- The First Noel (Modified from an Arrangement by The Hound + The Fox)
- SDA Hymnal #137: We Three Kings
- SDA Hymnal #141: What Child Is This?
- What Child Is This? / Child of the Poor ✒️ As arranged by The Hound + The Fox