O Little Town of Bethlehem

Chords and Lyrics

Song Info

SDA Hymnal number: 135

Key: D (F in SDA Hymnal)

Intro: D C# D Em/G 1. O little town of Bethlehem, 2. For Christ is born of Mary, 3. How silent- - ly, how silently, 4. O holy Child of Bethlehem, D/A A7 D How still we see thee lie! And gathered all above, The wondrous Gift is giv’n; De–scend to us, we pray; D7/C B Esus Em Em/G Above thy deep and dreamless sleep While mortals sleep, the an - gels keep So God im - parts to hu - man hearts Cast out our sin, and en - ter in— D A7sus A7 D The silent stars go by. Their watch of won - dering love. The blessings of His heav’n. Be born in us to - - day. F# Yet in thy dark streets shineth O morning stars to- - - gether, No ear may hear His coming, We hear the Christ–mas angels Em/B Em/C# Em/D Em/G F# The ev- - er- - last–ing Light; Pro-claim the ho- - ly birth, But in this world of sin, The great glad tid - ings tell; D C# D Em/G The hopes and fears of all the years And praises sing to God the King, Where meek souls will re-ceive Him still, O come to us, a–bide with us, D A7sus A7 D Are met in thee to - night. And peace to men on earth! The dear Christ en - - - ters in. Our Lord Im - - man- - - u- - el!