1 + 1 = ∞


Series: No Series

Title: 1 + 1 = ∞ When working with God, there are no limits


  • 2007-10-05: Jefferson Christian Academy
  • 2007-10-06: Atlanta
  • 2007-10-13: Linden


  1. 337: “Redeemed!”
  2. 329: “Take the World, but Give Me Jesus”
  3. “Change My Heart, O God”

Scripture: Romans 12:1-3

  1. Introduction: Math quiz: 2 + 2? 1+1?
  2. God’s Smuggler: Brother Andrew—pp. 100, 101
    1. Year: 1957—Country: Austria => Yugoslavia
    2. Andrew’s first solo trip to a communist country
    3. Bibles and tracts stored everywhere conceivable
    4. Prayed, begin conversation about the weather
  3. Jehoshaphat vs. Three kings: 2 Chronicles 20
  4. David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17