What Is Truth?


Series: Fundamental Beliefs

Title: 1. What Is Truth? Belief 1: The Holy Scriptures


  • 2006-10-21: Marshall
  • 2006-10-28: Linden


  1. 286: “Wonderful Words of Life”
  2. 272: “Give Me the Bible”

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

  1. Introduction—relative society—Nedley, CBT, and truth
  2. John 14:6—Jesus is the ultimate truth
    1. John 5:39—The scriptures reveal Jesus
    2. John 17:17—God’s word is truth
  3. Decision making
    1. 2 Timothy 3:14-17—the Bible should be the basis for decision-making, not what we feel like or what our culture (or TV) says
    2. Proverbs 2:6—The ability to make good decisions comes from God
  4. Studying the Bible—Many methods: some suggestions
    1. Bible versions
    2. Topical—Bible software, biblegateway.com, concordance
    3. Passage—in depth
    4. Read the Bible through
    5. immersion (CDs, etc.)