Making Healthy Choices
Quarter: UnknownQUnknown: Unknown
Lesson: Unknown
Lesson title: Making Healthy Choices
- Overview verses
- James 1:5–Ask God for wisdom
- Prov 11:14–There is safety in an abundance of counselors
- Topics
- Health and spirituality
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20–Bodies are temples
- 1 Tim 4:8–physical training is of value, but godliness is more important
- Jer 33:6–God will heal His people
- Prov 3:7, 8: Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord; it will bring healing
- Our behavior toward others
- 3 John 2–Pray for good health
- Proverbs 16:24–gracious words are healing
- Acts 27:33-36–help others be healthy
- Health habits
- Prov 17:22–A cheerful heart is good medicine
- Eph 5:18–don’t get drunk, but be filled with the Spirit
- Dt 7:12-15–Following God’s laws will lead to health
- Leviticus 11:1-4ff–clean/unclean foods
- Health and spirituality
- Questions
- What is the main idea of these passages? What is the theme that connects them?
- Is there anything here which is difficult or challenging? If so, how can it be resolved?
- What effect can these passages have on our lives today?