Tech Contents
In my spare time (did I say spare time?) I like to mess around with things related to technology. Here are some of the utilities I've written. Maybe sometime I'll add some of my favorite links to this page.
- Sudoku: This is my take on this classic puzzle.
- Silent Countdown Timer is just as the name says: a countdown timer. This timer is useful for situations where you want a countdown timer but no audible alarm. I wrote it as a speaking timer. What sets it apart are these features:
- It can count down from a specified duration (e.g., 30 minutes), or count down to a specified time in 24-hour format (e.g., 20:00).
- Instead of stopping when time expires, it continues into negative time, so that you can see how far over time you’ve gone.
- It has a large, full-screen display which can be read from across a room.
- Black Screen: Just like the name says: a black screen that runs in full screen. Useful on multiple-monitor setups when you want to black out one of the monitors.
is a Javascript function that hides your e-mail address from most spambots in a way that is transparent to the overwhelming number of users. This function does not require any server-side scripting.- Time Calculator: Have you ever wanted to add or subtract times on a calculator? Maybe you want to find out the total length of two songs on a CD. Maybe you work in radio or television and regularly juggle times. Time Calculator provides an easy way to do this. You can even save it and use it offline. By the way, as far as I know, this is the only calculator of its kind freely available in the Internet.
- Mailto: Links Test Page: I wrote this to help me test a script I was writing that would open my webmail whenever I clicked on a mailto: link. I'm sharing it in case someone else needs to do some testing.
- HTML Color Code Test Utility: This utility allows you to preview any color—by name or hex code—so you can easily find that elusive color.
Keyboard stuff
Here is an improved English International keyboard layout for Windows, based on one from Linux.